

单词 incipient
释义  in·cip·i·ent /ɪnˈsɪpiənt/ adjective [only before noun] formal  START TO HAPPEN, EXIST ETCstarting to happen or exist 刚开始的,早期的 a sign of incipient madness 精神失常的早期征兆Examples from the Corpusincipient• I am pretty sure that these noises do not proceed from incipient compression failures.• an incipient drinking problem• Yet despite these incipient industrial concentrations, the economy of Piedmont remained overwhelmingly agrarian and rural.• Some assiduously fill notebooks with writing: incipient novelists or thesis writers?• The wind came howling down the street full of rain and incipient snow.• The incipient spouses are of course excited by the adventure, the new life, heralded by marriage.Origin incipient (1600-1700) Latin present participle of incipere; → INCEPTIONin·cip·i·ent adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus happen exist starting or to




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