

单词 accidental death
释义  ˌaccidental ˈdeath noun [uncountable] law especially British English  an expression used by a court when it has decided that someone’s death was caused by an accident 意外死亡Examples from the Corpusaccidental death• It seemed to be pretty much an open and shut case of accidental death, apart from the problem of identifying him.• Such reports are routine in the case of accidental death, he said.• An inquest had been held and a verdict of accidental death returned.• On 4 December 1985 the inquest returned a verdict of accidental death.• The coroner recorded verdicts of accidental death.• Deputy Coroner Mr Pollard recorded verdicts of accidental death and said he was satisfied what had happened had been purely an accident.• Personally, I'd put my money on accidental death without a second thought.ˌaccidental ˈdeath nounChineseSyllable  court an when expression by Corpus it used a




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