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单词 accommodating
释义  ac·com·mo·dat·ing /əˈkɒmədeɪtɪŋ $ əˈkɑː-/ adjective  HELPhelpful and willing to do what someone else wants 肯通融的;随和的;温顺的 OPP awkward an accommodating child 一个性格温顺的小孩Examples from the Corpusaccommodating• Most of the hotel staff was very accommodating.• Doyle, he suspected, would have respected him more if he had occasionally been less accommodating.• He was very accommodating, always asking if I needed anything.• Neil couldn't imagine a more accommodating child nor, for most of the time, a more contented one.• He had only been half listening to the conversation but now he forced himself to be a more accommodating guest.• She's so nice and accommodating, I'm afraid people will take advantage of her.• But it pursued accommodating policies at first and did not deflate until 1964.• What we are looking for is a framework, an accommodating structure that will help us to organize our information and ideas.• Those familiar with hand-jamming will find this quite accommodating, well-furnished as it is with excellent·com·mo·dat·ing adjectiveChineseSyllable  willing helpful wants else do what and to someone Corpus




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