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单词 accomplishment
释义  ac·com·plish·ment /əˈkʌmplɪʃmənt $ əˈkɑːm-, əˈkʌm-/ ●○○ noun  1  [countable]DO something successful or impressive that is achieved after a lot of effort and hard work 成就,成绩 SYN achievementimpressive/significant/great etc accomplishment Cutting the budget was an impressive accomplishment. 削减预算是一项了不起的成就。 It was a major accomplishment for a player who had been injured so recently. 对于一个刚受过伤的选手来说,这是很好的成绩。2  [uncountable]DO the act of finishing or achieving something good 完成,实现accomplishment of the accomplishment of policy goals 政策目标的实现3  [countable, uncountable]DO an ability to do something well, or the skill involved in doing something well 才能,才艺 Playing the piano is one of her many accomplishments. 弹钢琴是她的多项才艺之一。Examples from the Corpusaccomplishment• However well rehearsed this was, it was quite an accomplishment considering that their teacher was self-taught.• The living explain new developments, emphasizing accomplishments, to the dead.• Fishing was the latest accomplishment which Miles thought the young executive should not be without.• The establishment of full diplomatic relations with China was a major accomplishment of the Carter administration.• Successful candidates usually have a strong record of accomplishment in paid and unpaid work.• For that short time in the early fifties, we were normal-undistinguished by circumstances, expectations, or accomplishments.• The team's undefeated run this year is an outstanding accomplishment.• Murray's accomplishments in this book are significant.• Yet does this ground-breaking technical accomplishment make it the best there's ever been?• The Society is giving a dinner for top businesswomen, to reward and recognize their accomplishments.• Four years of hard work and verifiable accomplishment in high school are negated by a 3 hour, multiple choice test.impressive/significant/great etc accomplishment• But the fact that Internet broadcasting could be done at all seemed a great accomplishment.• Flint is good-and an impressive accomplishment for a first novel-but it ain't that good.• In addition to getting the university kick-started, Stacy cites his greatest accomplishment as hiring a top-rate faculty.• Impressing people is not a particularly great accomplishment in and of itself.• That was the greatest accomplishment of my·com·plish·ment nounChineseSyllable  impressive that Corpus or is successful achieved something




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