

单词 accord
释义  ac·cord1 /əˈkɔːd $ -ɔːrd/ ●○○ noun  1  of somebody’s/something’s own accord WILLINGwithout being asked or forced to do something 出于自愿,主动地 He decided to go of his own accord. 他是自己决定要去的。 The door seemed to move of its own accord. 那扇门似乎自己在动。2  [uncountable] formal a situation in which two people, ideas, or statements agree with each other 符合,一致be in accord with something These results are in accord with earlier research. 这些结果和先前的研究一致。in perfect/complete accord It is important to the success of any firm that its partners should be in complete accord. 合伙人步调一致对于公司的成功至关重要。3  [countable]AGREE a formal agreement between countries or groups 正式协议 the Helsinki accord on human rights 赫尔辛基人权协定4  with one accord formal if two or more people do something with one accord, they do it together or at the same time 一致地;同时地 There was a silence as the women turned with one accord to stare at Doreen. 那些女人一齐转身盯着多琳看,全场鸦雀无声。Examples from the Corpusaccord• To reach an accord, the government will likely have to devalue its currency, which would help boost exports.• The Customs officer, policeman, and magistrate began to nod, at first uncertain, reluctant, then with growing accord.• She felt so good she stopped the remedy of her own accord but within 2 weeks began a period.• When I knocked the third time, the door opened of its own accord.• The two sides signed a peace accord in 1994 after a nine-year civil war that killed 500,000.• For industry, these demands are intolerable, and companies have threatened to derail the accord if they are included.be in accord with something• All the follow-through was in accord with these themes.• Painting ought to be in accord with the physiological nature of man.accord2 verb formal  1  [transitive]ATTENTION to give someone or something special attention or a particular type of treatment 给予〔关照或其他待遇〕 You will not be accorded any special treatment. 你不会得到任何特殊待遇。accord something to something/somebody Every school accords high priority to the quality of teaching. 每所学校都高度重视教学质量。2  accord with something formal AGREEto match or agree with something 与某事物相符[一致] The punishments accorded with the current code of discipline. 处罚与现行的纪律规则一致。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusaccord• The law requires that racial minorities be accorded equal access to housing.• At least she had accorded him the Monsieur.Origin accord1 (1200-1300) Old French acort, from acorder; → ACCORD2 accord2 (1100-1200) Old French acorder, from Vulgar Latin accordare, from Latin ad- “to” + cor “heart”ac·cord1 nounaccord2 verbChineseSyllable  forced Corpus asked without to or being do




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