

单词 accrue
释义  ac·crue /əˈkruː/ verb  1  GET[intransitive] if advantages accrue to you, you get those advantages over a period of time 〔利益、好处等〕逐渐产生,逐渐形成accrue to benefits that accrue to students 学生逐渐得到的好处accrue from advantages accruing from the introduction of new technology 引进新技术逐渐显现出的好处2  BFI[intransitive, transitive] if money accrues or is accrued, it gradually increases over a period of time (使)〔钱〕逐渐增加,积累 Interest will accrue until payment is made. 利息将会累计增加,直至付清款项。 —accrual noun [countable usually singular]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusaccrue• I do not see how those people can accrue a second pension.• The accrued interest will be paid annually.• To him will accrue the credit for overthrowing the conventional wisdom and for installing the new ideas.• Over two years, let us say, £100,000 of income may have accrued to the settlement.• Similarly, they share the risks and the profits or losses which may accrue to them.• Economic returns can accrue when ambulatory nutrition care contributes to reducing the need for costly medical care.• If significance is supposed to accrue with each repeated conjunction, it fails to do so for me.From Longman Business Dictionaryaccrueac‧crue /əˈkruː/ verb [intransitive, transitive] formalACCOUNTING1if an amount of money accrues, or is accrued, it gradually increases over a period of timeThe tax falls due at the end of the month, and interest will accrue from that date.2if profits or benefits accrue to you, or are accrued, you have the right to receive themIf profits are insufficient, no additional rights accrue to the holder of the bond.Your employer cannot withhold your benefits accrued from mandatory contributions.→ See Verb tableOrigin accrue (1400-1500) Probably from Old French acreue “increase”, from acreistre “to increase”, from Latin accrescere; → ACCRETIONac·crue verbChineseSyllable   Business if accrue you, get advantages Corpus to you




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