

单词 accuse
释义 Word family  noun accusation the accused accuser adjective accusing verb accuse adverb accusingly  Related topics: Crimeac·cuse /əˈkjuːz/ ●●○ W3 verb [transitive]  SCCACCUSEto say that you believe someone is guilty of a crime or of doing something bad 控告;指责accuse somebody of (doing) something He was accused of murder. 他被控谋杀。 Smith accused her of lying. 史密斯指责她说谎。 The professor stands accused of (=has been accused of) stealing his student’s ideas and publishing them. 那位教授被指控剽窃学生的观点拿去发表。 —accuser noun [countable]n GrammarYou accuse someone of doing something: They accused him of cheating. ✗Don’t say: accuse someone to do something THESAURUSaccuse to say that you believe that someone is guilty of a crime or of doing something bad 控告;指责Two women have been accused of kidnapping a newborn baby. 两名女子被控绑架一名新生婴儿。Are you accusing me of lying? 你是指责我撒谎吗?allege /əˈledʒ/ to accuse someone of doing something, although this has not been proved 〔在未证实的情况下〕断言,声称He alleged that the other man had attacked him first. 他声称是另一名男子首先袭击他的。charge if the police charge someone, they officially tell that person that they are believed to be guilty of a crime and that they must go to court 〔警方〕指控,起诉She was charged with murder. 她被指控犯有谋杀罪。indict American English law to officially accuse someone of a crime so that they will be judged in court under the American legal system 控告,起诉He was indicted on charges of fraud. 他因涉嫌诈骗被起诉。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusaccuse• Such considerations affect the way the courts decide on what sentence to pass on the accused.• The commission, which accused both sides of atrocities, has been criticised from left and right.• Are you accusing her of lying?• Ramaphosa's own transformation into a tycoon has disappointed some blacks, who accuse him of desertion.• A: Nobody ever accuses Hollywood of making historically accurate films.• They're accusing me without any proof.• How can you accuse me without knowing all the facts?• A former businessman has gone on trial accused of a two million pound investment fraud.• West has been accused of first-degree murder.• The woman was accused of having beaten her four-year-old daughter.• The man accused of kidnapping Lucy Pohl has been found guilty.• To be actually accused point blank by an outraged husband!• Human rights lawyers have accused the police of beating Murkett to death.• Protesters angrily accused the police of violence and intimidation.accuse somebody of (doing) something• What does a wife ever accuse a husband of?• Race row flares again: Minister accuses Lib Dems of attacking black Tory.• Let no one accuse us of idle posturing.• Dole accused Clinton of improperly claiming credit for a number of measures of national economic health.• Government officials accused the rebels of intimidating voters.• Are you accusing me of lying?• He's accused of murder.• Congress has accused certain agencies of neglecting the issue.• Friends of the Earth accused the government of retreating from a firmly-stated commitment to identify contaminated land.• His slide work caused many to accuse him of using an easier-to-use valve trombone.Origin accuse (1400-1500) Old French acuser, from Latin accusare “to call someone to explain their actions”, from ad- “to” + causa “lawsuit, cause”ac·cuse verb →n GRAMMAR1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  is guilty to someone say believe that you Corpus




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