

单词 accusing
释义 Word family  noun accusation the accused accuser adjective accusing verb accuse adverb accusingly  ac·cus·ing /əˈkjuːzɪŋ/ adjective  ACCUSEan accusing look from someone shows that they think you have done something wrong 〔目光〕责备的,谴责的 —accusingly adverbExamples from the Corpusaccusing• The deserted nest, neat as a pin, had a forlorn accusing air.• Two pairs of accusing eyes focused on her.• Sendei's accusing face was at last concealed from her.• I remained still and upright, facing into the room, an accusing figure in a nightdress.• It was a simple drawing of a square tower, standing in splendid isolation like an accusing finger pointing at the sky.• Coming out of hospital was traumatic enough without facing the accusing man, and Shirley was quite right about the weakness.• The empty box said it all: wide open, like an accusing scream.ac·cus·ing adjectiveChineseSyllable  look that shows Corpus from accusing someone an




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