

单词 accustom
释义 Word family  noun custom customer customs adjective customary custom customizable accustomed verb accustom customize adverb customarily  ac·cus·tom /əˈkʌstəm/ ●○○ verb [transitive]  USED TO/ACCUSTOMED TOto make yourself or another person become used to a situation or place 使适应,使习惯accustom yourself to something It took a while for me to accustom myself to all the new rules and regulations. 我过了一段时间才适应所有的新规章制度。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusaccustom• A worn out slob, he can not accustom himself to the idea of women playing the sport seriously.accustom yourself to something• You have got to accustom yourself to the book that is written from several different viewpoints.• A worn out slob, he can not accustom himself to the idea of women playing the sport seriously.• I accustomed myself to the mephitic stench.• In this free and easy style, I accustomed myself to the rhythms of school life.• I did enjoy myself, once I had accustomed myself to the way the Yanks danced.• It took some time for the uniformed Secret Service guards to accustom themselves to this.• I had to accustom myself to working in surroundings that were far from luxurious, too.Origin accustom (1400-1500) Old French acostumer, from costume “custom”ac·cus·tom verbChineseSyllable  make to or yourself used person become another Corpus




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