

单词 monopolize
释义  mo·nop·o·lize (also monopolise British English) /məˈnɒpəlaɪz $ -ˈnɑː-/ verb [transitive]  1  CONTROLto have complete control over something so that other people cannot share it or take part in it 垄断;独占;完全控制 The company has monopolized the soft drinks market. 该公司垄断了软饮料市场。 He monopolized the conversation all evening. 整个晚上都是他一个人在说话。2  ASK FOR something/ASK somebody TO DO somethingto use a lot of someone’s time or attention 占用〔某人大量时间或注意力〕 Virtually all her time and energy is now monopolized by the children. 现在她几乎所有的时间和精力都被孩子们占去了。 —monopolist noun [countable]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusmonopolize• The wife and the mistress would both have done better had each monopolized a male rather than shared him.• All this had been achieved at the expense of the Liberal Party which had monopolized all three areas before 1910.• Susan's children monopolize her time and energy.• The rulers promptly monopolized it for their own regalia and as a medium for bestowing honour and obligations on their retainers.• He was doing nothing more dreadful than lingering, making light-hearted conversation and monopolizing Linda's attention.• Chun, who by that stage of his presidency often monopolized meetings with visitors, this time listened intently.• As production has increasingly monopolized our economic attitudes, the business executive has grown in esteem.• The 49ers monopolized the ball in the third period.• Forsyth set out to monopolize the best view of the Falls for his personal gain.• The company has monopolized the building market in this area.• All night he monopolized the conversation, not letting anyone else get a word in.• In Russia, Intourist no longer monopolizes the foreign tourism business.From Longman Business Dictionarymonopolizemo‧nop‧o‧lize /məˈnɒpəlaɪzməˈnɑː-/ (also monopolise British English) verb [transitive]ECONOMICS if a single company or a government monopolizes an industry, it gets control of all or most of it so that there is little or no competition from other companies or countriesThe company sold below cost in order to drive out competition and monopolize the Los Angeles-area market.→ See Verb tablemo·nop·o·lize verbChineseSyllable  something that Corpus complete control Business to so other over have




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