

单词 ballyhoo
释义  bal·ly·hoo /ˌbæliˈhuː $ ˈbælihuː/ noun [uncountable]  informalEXPRESS when there is a lot of excitement or anger about something – used to show disapproval 大吹大擂,哗众取宠〔含贬义〕 SYN fuss After all the ballyhoo, the film was a flop. 尽管炒作得厉害,这部电影还是不卖座。 —ballyhoo verb [transitive] a much ballyhooed program to recruit more police officers 一个大吹大擂的募警计划Examples from the Corpusballyhoo• While Deion Sanders received most of the pre-game ballyhoo, his bookend Brown went about his business with little or no fanfare.• The gesture is likely to be surrounded by much ballyhoo when it is officially announced in April.• After all the ballyhoo, the film was a flop.• A lot of the ballyhoo centered on the network's new hit show.• I have it on good authority that the whale thinks that this ballyhoo is a bunch of, well, blubber.bal·ly·hoo nounChineseSyllable   is there of when a lot Corpus




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