

单词 acidic
释义  Related topics: Tastes, Chemistrya·cid·ic /əˈsɪdɪk/ adjective  1  CTvery sour 很酸的 Some fruit juices taste a bit acidic. 有些果汁味道略酸。2. HCcontaining acid 酸性的Examples from the Corpusacidic• It tastes a little acidic.• If this site is phosphorylated the N terminal region would become even more acidic.• Sometimes coffee can be really acidic.• The rock structure of much of this area is granite and naturally acidic.• It appreciates an acidic, fertile soil that drains well.• Undiluted fruit juices are acidic in nature.• Granite, rich in silica, is the most abundant acidic rock.• They are somewhat fussy about soil, preferring an acidic, sunny site that is not waterlogged.• They are sometimes acidic to neutralise any alkaline residues carried over from the washing process and sometimes include disinfectants.a·cid·ic adjectiveChineseSyllable  sour Corpus very




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