

单词 acidify
释义  Related topics: Chemistrya·cid·i·fy /əˈsɪdɪfaɪ/ verb (acidified, acidifying, acidifies) [intransitive, transitive]  technicalHC to become an acid or make something become an acid (使)变酸,(使)酸化→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusacidify• It appears that deciduous trees do not acidify in this way.• Again, acidifying old water is not suitable.• Because cryptocorynes acidify the water, they form a favorable medium for the survival and spawning of many popular fish species.• Bennett and Williams suggest that the cells of opening or closing traps acidify their own walls by releasing hydrogen ions.• Once your water is soft it is easily acidified using peat filtration.a·cid·i·fy verbChineseSyllable  an something or acid to an acid Corpus make become become




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