

单词 acquaint
释义  ac·quaint /əˈkweɪnt/ verb [transitive] formal  1  acquaint yourself with something formal FIND OUTto deliberately find out about something 熟悉某事,了解某事 I need to acquaint myself with the new regulations. 我得熟悉一下新的规章制度。2  acquaint somebody with something formal INFORMATIONto give someone information about something 把某事告知某人 You need to acquaint the police with the facts. 你得把事实真相告诉警方。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusacquaint• It was high time, he said, that the artist acquaint himself with the fantastic images of the microscope.• Doctor Turner takes me aside to acquaint me in funereal tones with the details of a colleague's latest symptoms.• Another study found that acquainting students with basic job information in high school was associated with higher earnings in the future.• A good production person must keep up with every development and ideally acquaint the art directors with every one as well.• It was a mournful pair that hired a boat to take them to Saltash and acquaint the Lee family of the tragedy.• You should acquaint yourself with any material that is provided about the authority.• An experienced photographer should have pointed out these things but it is sensible to acquaint yourself with some basic knowledge.Origin acquaint (1200-1300) Old French acointier, from Medieval Latin accognitare, from Late Latin accognoscere “to know perfectly”, from Latin ad- “to” + cognoscere “to know”ac·quaint verbChineseSyllable  something out to find about deliberately Corpus




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