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单词 acquainted
释义  ac·quaint·ed /əˈkweɪntɪd/ ●○○ adjective [not before noun]  1  if you are acquainted with someone, you have met them a few times but do not know them very well 认识的〔但不了解〕acquainted with Were you acquainted with a friend of mine, Daniel Green? 你认识我的一个朋友丹尼尔·格林吗? We would like to get better acquainted. 我们希望加深对彼此的了解。2  be acquainted with something formal to know about something, because you have seen it, read it, used it etc 熟悉某事物,了解某事物 She was well acquainted with classical literature. 她对古典文学很熟悉。Examples from the Corpusacquainted• So for that reason the two must be introduced to each other and become acquainted.• Strange canine characters are pleased to get acquainted and never have you been more popular.• You had a month to become acquainted with her on Rhodes.• He'd become acquainted with her only hours before the hearing and would forget her minutes afterwards.• We have to become acquainted with the manifestations of fear before we can break its grip.• The councillor should become acquainted with the principal officers from whom he can gain a considerable amount of information and·quaint·ed adjectiveChineseSyllable  with acquainted if have you them met Corpus you someone, are




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