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单词 acquire
释义 Word family  noun acquisition adjective acquisitive verb acquire  ac·quire /əˈkwaɪə $ əˈkwaɪr/ ●●○ W2 AWL verb [transitive]  1  formalCOLLECTGET to obtain something by buying it or being given it 购得,得到 Manning hoped to acquire valuable works of art as cheaply as possible. 曼宁希望以尽可能低的价格买到有价值的艺术品。5 She has acquired an email address and a site on the World Wide Web.她获得了一个电子邮件地址和万维网网址。n The council acquired the land using a compulsory purchase order.► see thesaurus at buy2  to get or gain something 取得,获得 The college acquired a reputation for very high standards. 那所学院以学术水平高而闻名。 RegisterIn everyday English, people usually say get rather than acquire: 在日常英语中,人们一般说get,而不说acquireWhere did you get that tie? 你在哪儿买的那条领带?He soon got a reputation for being unfriendly. 他的不友善很快便尽人皆知。3  LEARNto gain knowledge or learn a skill 学到,获得〔知识、技能〕 He spent years acquiring his skills as a surgeon. 他花了许多年时间学习外科医生的技能。 Elsie acquired a good knowledge of Chinese. 埃尔茜汉语学得很好。► see thesaurus at get4  acquire a taste for something LIKE somebody OR somethingto begin to like something 开始喜欢某事物 She had acquired a taste for European beer. 她喜欢上了欧洲啤酒。5. an acquired taste LIKE somebody OR somethingsomething that people only begin to like after they have tried it a few times 逐渐养成的爱好→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusacquire• AC Transit recently acquired 70 new buses equipped with wheelchair lifts.• Others acquired a harder outer membrane to later become skin-like materials.• They acquired a Tucson resort in 1991 and a Hyatt hotel in Houston in 1992.• He has acquired an autonomy and influence staggering even by the standards of a country where anomalies are institutionalised.• Official prices were low, but you had to pay with time or bribes to actually acquire anything.• The statue was acquired at great expense by the City Corporation.• In 1998 the business was acquired by a Dutch company.• Once slated for thousands of homes, the Daley Ranch was acquired by the city for $ 21 million in January.• They acquired joint and exclusive occupation of the flat in consideration of periodical payments and they therefore acquired a tenancy jointly.• Research helps us acquire new insight on the causes of diseases.• Many inner cities have acquired reputations for violent crime.• The Boston Museum of Fine Arts has recently acquired several paintings by Salvador Dali.• NTN acquired the rights to broadcast game data from football games in 1987.• It took him a long time to acquire the skills he needed to become a professional artist.• Robinson spent $20 million to acquire the symphony hall.• What concerns them is the risk that engineered plants might acquire weedy traits and escape from cultivation.From Longman Business Dictionaryacquireac‧quire /əˈkwaɪəəˈkwaɪr/ verb [transitive]1FINANCEto buy a companyThe group wants to acquire the company for $18 a share.2acquire a holding/an interest/a stakeFINANCE to buy part of a companyIt has acquired a 50% stake in a French electronics retailer.3to get something, especially something important or valuableThe course makes it possible for workers to acquire new skills.It has recently acquired the rights to hold Formula One races in Britain.The retailer has acquired a reputation for low prices and efficient service.→ See Verb tableOrigin acquire (1400-1500) Old French aquerre, from Latin acquirere, from ad- “to” + quaerere “to look for, obtain”ac·quire verb →REGISTER1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  by Corpus to something Business it obtain buying




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