

单词 acrid
释义  ac·rid /ˈækrɪd/ adjective  1  Can acrid smell or taste is strong and unpleasant and stings your nose or throat 〔气味、味道〕辛辣的,刺激的 a cloud of acrid smoke 一团刺鼻的烟雾2. formalCRITICIZE an acrid remark expresses anger and criticizes someone strongly 〔话语〕尖刻的Examples from the Corpusacrid• The air was stale and acrid, and a cluster of black flies hovered over the bed.• The air is stale and acrid, and a cluster of black flies hovers over the bed.• But the odour of the colourless liquid was of bitter almonds, acrid and terrifying.• The sharp, acrid male smell which rose from his hot skin filled my nostrils.• The sharp acrid smell of gutters choked by the monsoon rain.• The jute had an acrid smell that scooped up the rank aroma of moist earth as it leapt from the ground.• The chemical has an acrid smell.• She consoled herself with the thought that the acrid smoke would serve to keep flies out of the room.• When I opened the door, acrid white smoke came billowing out.Origin acrid (1700-1800) Latin acer “sharp”; influenced by acidac·rid adjectiveChineseSyllable  unpleasant and stings acrid Corpus taste is and smell strong an or




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