

单词 picaresque
释义  Related topics: Literaturepic·a·resque /ˌpɪkəˈresk◂/ adjective  ALa picaresque story tells the amusing and unlikely adventures of a character who travels to a lot of different places 〔小说〕流浪冒险题材的Examples from the Corpuspicaresque• The department has a distinguished record in Cervantes studies, the picaresque, and in the Golden-Age theatre.• We are being swept away on a tide of picaresque Euromovies.• What followed was an extraordinary, picaresque journey.• The picaresque literature of the period is also very preoccupied with food and drink.• This mildly picaresque novel recounts a boy's flight from prep school to an eventful weekend in New York.Origin picaresque (1800-1900) Spanish picaresco, from pícaro “bad man”pic·a·resque adjectiveChineseSyllable  story and picaresque a tells amusing unlikely Corpus the




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