

单词 action-packed
释义  ˌaction-ˈpacked adjective  EXCITEDan action-packed film, book etc contains a lot of exciting events 〔电影、书等〕情节起伏跌宕的;刺激的Examples from the Corpusaction-packed• The gameplay should have been a lot more action-packed.• another action-packed adventure movie starring Harrison Ford• Kids will love this action-packed adventure movie.• You've chosen San Antonio, simply because it's the centre of all that's action-packed and lively.• The pans scrubbed, ready for another action-packed day.• But her own life was often stranger than any action-packed fiction plot.• We provide action-packed holidays for children including riding, sailing, rock-climbing, and canoeing.• Arnie may not win many Oscars, but the big guy's action-packed movies sure make great computer games.• We need people each month to help us in our lively, action-packed office.• The book has an action-packed plot dealing with life during the Civil War.• To put this project into perspective, it is essential to examine Mary's short, but action-packed sailing career.• Promotion would be a perfect end-of-season bonus for Lawrence after an action-packed season.ˌaction-ˈpacked adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus of film, book contains an a action-packed lot etc




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