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单词 activist
释义  ac·tiv·ist /ˈæktɪvɪst/ ●○○ noun [countable]  REBELLION/REVOLUTIONsomeone who works hard doing practical things to achieve social or political change 积极分子;活动家political/gay/animal rights etc activist 政治活动家/积极支持同性恋的人/动物权利支持者等 —activist adjective [only before noun] activist groups 积极分子团体Examples from the Corpusactivist• Jennifer Coburn can pinpoint the moment she decided to become an activist.• He was an activist by total commitment, and a professional.• environmental activists• Clinton's AIDS "czar" resigned after being criticized by gay activists for being weak.• Labor activists say that although there are no legal age cutoffs, the industries prefer to hire young and malleable workers.• Let me suggest another topic: the recent violent murder of two lesbian activists in Oregon.• Many activists want him to concentrate more on party heartlands.• He was known to be a political activist, but as far as we know had no record of violence.• The Global Communications Group links ecological and other political activists via the Net.• Read in studio Animal rights activists have been targetting people and shops in the region for the last five years.political/gay/animal rights etc activist• Ivor Smith was filmed torturing a cat by an animal rights activist.• The one thing that can be said in favour is that it sends vegans and animal rights activists incandescent with rage.• The firm has been targeted by animal rights activists.• Concerns have been mounting about the increasing militancy of animal rights activists.• Read in studio Animal rights activists have been targetting people and shops in the region for the last five·tiv·ist nounChineseSyllable  doing social Corpus or works achieve someone hard things who practical to




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