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单词 activity
释义 Word family  noun act action ≠ inaction activity ≠ inactivity reaction interaction overacting adjective acting active ≠ inactive verb act ≠ overact adverb actively  ac·tiv·i·ty /ækˈtɪvəti/ ●●● S2 W1 noun (plural activities)  1  [countable, uncountable] things that people do, especially in order to achieve a particular aim 〔尤指为达到一定目的而进行的〕活动 Everyone is free to engage in peaceful political activity. 每个人都可以自由参加和平的政治活动。 fund-raising activities 筹款活动 Regular physical activity helps to control your weight. 定期参加体育活动有助于控制体重。2  [countable usually plural]DO something that you do because you enjoy it 〔出于爱好的〕活动 leisure activities 休闲活动 outdoor activities such as hiking or climbing 如远足、爬山等户外活动3  [uncountable]BUSY PLACE a situation in which a lot of things are happening or a lot of things are being done 活跃,热闹;活动 The office was suddenly full of frantic activity. 办公室里一下子紧张忙碌起来。 The farm was always a hive of activity at this time of year. 每年这个时候农场里都是一派繁忙景象。 COLLOCATIONS – Meanings 1,2 & 3verbstake part in an activity (also participate in an activity formal) 参加活动The children were encouraged to take part in several different activities. 孩子们被鼓励参加几种不同的活动。engage in an activity formal (=take part) 参加活动nPolice suspect he may have engaged in criminal involved in an activity 参与活动The men were involved in terrorist activities. 这些男子参与了恐怖活动。do an activity 进行活动He doesn’t do a lot of physical activity. 他不常进行体力活动。ADJECTIVES/NOUN + activitypolitical activity 政治活动Political activity is closely controlled by the government. 政治活动受到政府的严密控制。economic activity 经济活动The current level of economic activity will influence business confidence. 当前经济活动的水平将会影响企业信心。business/commercial activity 商务/商业活动Internet shopping is a rapidly developing area of business activity. 网上购物是商业活动中一个迅速发展的领域。human activity 人类活动nThere was no sign of any human activity.criminal/illegal activity 犯罪/非法活动nThe bar was being used for illegal activities.terrorist activity 恐怖活动nThe police took extra measures to protect the public against terrorist activity.outdoor activities 户外活动nThe college is well situated for students who are interested in outdoor activities.physical activity 体力活动nIt’s important to do some kind of regular physical activity. mental activity 脑力活动n Your mental activity starts to slow down as you grow old.leisure activities 休闲活动nI don’t have much time for leisure activities.classroom activities 课堂活动nHe didn’t really take part in classroom activities.cultural activities 文化活动nThere is plenty of opportunity for children to express themselves in creative and cultural activities.phrasesthe level of activity 活动水平The level of economic activity has increased. 经济活动水平有所提高。COMMON ERRORS ► Don’t say ‘make an activity’. Say take part in an activity or be involved in an activity. 不要说 ‘make an activity’. 而要说 take part in an activity 或 be involved in an activity.Don’t say ‘sport activity’. Say sports activity. 不要说 ‘sport activity’. 而要说 sports activity.Examples from the Corpusactivity• the company's business activities• The workshop was a scene of constant activity.• The award goes to the Cranfield student presenting the best dissertation relevant to Courtaulds' activities.• The retirement home arranges social and cultural activities for its seniors.• There are clubs and other extracurricular activities at the school.• Residents are concerned about growing gang activity in the neighborhood.• leisure activities• Military activity was secretly taking place for weeks before the invasion.• This burst of activity marks a major turnabout in the publishing industry.• What kind of activities do you enjoy?• There's a lot of activity downstairs - do you know what's going on?• In the afternoon, there will be plenty of activities laid on for the kids.• Rebecca has always loved hiking and other outdoor activities.• Top level managers direct all computer-related activities in an organization.• It is also, rather vaguely, thought of as a revolutionary activity.• The leader is responsible for the activities and production of a group who share norms and goals.• Third, it should be relatively easy to distinguish work activity from other kinds of·tiv·i·ty noun →COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  in order that Corpus especially things people do,




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