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单词 actually
释义  ldoce_701_zac·tu·al·ly /ˈæktʃuəli, -tʃəli/ ●●● S1 W1 adverb  1  [sentence adverb]IN FACT spoken used to add new information to what you have just said, to give your opinion, or to start a new conversation 实际上,其实;说实在的〔用于补充新的信息、说明个人观点或开始新的对话〕 I’ve known Barbara for years. Since we were babies, actually. 我认识芭芭拉很多年了,实际上我们从小就认识。 Actually, on second thoughts, I don’t think I want to go out tonight. 其实再想想,我今晚不打算出去了。2  IN FACTused to emphasize the real or exact truth of a situation, rather than what people may think 实际上,事实上〔用于强调真实的情况〕 What time are you actually leaving? 你到底几点走? Labor costs have actually fallen. 人工成本实际上降低了。 ‘Disappointed?’ ‘No, actually I’m rather glad.’ “失望了?”“不,实际上我挺高兴的。”5 FREQUENCY 使用频率Examples from the Corpusactually• He may look 30, but he's actually 45.• It turns out that one of the children I thought was a girl was actually a boy.• The little-known sea wasp, in spite of its name, is actually a jellyfish.• But don't forget that you only pay interest on the amount you actually borrow.• The Washington summit actually eliminated major causes of tension, and promised to inaugurate a new world structure.• Unemployment has actually fallen for the past two months.• What actually happened eight thousand to ten thousand years ago to end the hunter-gatherer chapter in human history?• Whether they are actually his desires, or those of the devil, must remain speculation.• Did he actually hit you or just threaten you?• Of these, only four were actually put on trial by the army, and three were acquitted by military judges.• Consequently these areas are the first to exhibit extra fat and the last to actually reduce.• I don't actually remember it all that well.• Actually, that was the best part of the whole trip.• Well, actually, you still owe me $·tu·al·ly adverb →5 FREQUENCY1ChineseSyllable  information have to what add to new Corpus just you used




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