

单词 Rastafarian
释义  Related topics: Nationality & race, ReligionRas·ta·fa·ri·an /ˌræstəˈfeəriən◂ $ -ˈfer-/ noun [countable]  SANRRsomeone who believes in a religion that is popular in Jamaica, which has Haile Selassie as its religious leader, and has the belief that one day black people will return to Africa 拉斯塔法里教徒〔牙买加一教派成员,该教派尊海尔·塞拉西为宗教领袖,认为黑人终将返回非洲〕 —Rastafarian adjective —Rastafarianism noun [uncountable]Origin Rastafarian (1900-2000) Ras Tafari, title of Haile Selassie (1892-1975), Emperor of EthiopiaRas·ta·fa·ri·an nounChineseSyllable  




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