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单词 acupuncture
释义  Related topics: Alternative medicineac·u·punc·ture /ˈækjəˌpʌŋktʃə $ -ər/ noun [uncountable]  MAa treatment for pain and disease that involves pushing special needles into parts of the body 针刺(疗法) the four main acupuncture points 四大穴位 —acupuncturist noun [countable]Examples from the Corpusacupuncture• Louis, he sat on the plane with his injured foot propped and acupuncture needles in his scalp.• Anyone who has actually experienced acupuncture, or several other complementary therapies, will agree on this.• These could include anything from acupuncture, herbal remedies and nutritional supplements to, yes, a petition to a higher power.• All those around were greatly impressed by the power of acupuncture.• She believes that acupuncture can be very helpful in returning this balance.• All of these factor into the correct placement of the acupuncture needles.• Reichian therapy, acupuncture and many other healing techniques have as their basic principle the concept of energy flows in the body.• He teaches that essential oils can also be used to balance the subtle energy forces in the body similar to acupuncture.Origin acupuncture (1600-1700) Latin acus ( → ACUTE) + English punctureac·u·punc·ture nounChineseSyllable  that disease involves and a Corpus treatment for pain special pushing




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