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单词 acute
释义  a·cute /əˈkjuːt/ ●○○ adjective  1  problem 问题SERIOUS SITUATION an acute problem is very serious 严重的 The housing shortage is more acute than first thought. 住房短缺情况比一开始想的要严重。► see thesaurus at serious2  feeling 感觉 an acute feeling is very strong 强烈的,剧烈的 acute pain 剧痛 acute embarrassment 万分的尴尬 acute anxiety 极度的忧虑3  illness 疾病 technical an acute illness or disease quickly becomes very serious 急性的 OPP chronic acute arthritis 急性关节炎4  senses 感官HBHHBA acute senses such as hearing, taste, touch etc are very good and sensitive 灵敏的 Young children have a particularly acute sense of smell. 幼儿的嗅觉特别灵敏。5  intelligent 聪颖的 quick to notice and understand things 敏锐的,机敏的 SYN sharp Simon’s vague manner concealed an acute mind. 西蒙貌似蒙昧,其实头脑灵活。 an acute analysis of Middle Eastern politics 对中东政治的敏锐分析6. mathematics 数学 technical an acute angle is less than 90° 锐角的 → obtuse7. punctuation 标点符号 an acute accent (=a mark used to show pronunciation) is a small mark written above a vowel. In ‘café’, the letter ‘e’ has an acute accent. 发锐音的,标有尖音符号的 → grave, circumflex —acuteness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusacute• In San Diego, the shortage of skilled workers is acute.• There are no studies on the effect of acute alcohol intake on gastric secretion in the chronic alcoholic patient.• Simmons' book is an acute analysis of Middle Eastern history.• She was taken to the hospital suffering from acute appendicitis.• I suffered a dislocation as acute as when I arrived in this country.• The more serious effects include acute confusional states, tachycardia, urinary retention, and aggravation of glaucoma.• Patients suffering from acute depression may well need medication.• It was seen as particularly acute in June for S4 pupils.• The impact of the problem has been especially acute in New England.• Boston employers are facing an acute labour shortage with potentially serious consequences for economic growth.• Patients with acute lower back pain often do well with bed rest and painkillers.• De Tocqueville was an acute observer of American ways.• Solving the problem will require acute perception and subtle communication.• There are acute shortages of food and medical equipment.• Nowhere is the problem more acute than Los Angeles County, where gang-related homicide is on the increase.• acute tuberculosis• The problem is less acute with phrases and sentences because there the speaker or writer is more fully on his own.acute pain• One of the most promising areas to find answers is in the treatment of acute pain.• They may suffer sickness, vomiting or acute pain, but they do not die.• She was aware of a feeling of acute pain; she was in panic; she was terrified that she might scream.• Chronic pain is continuous and unassociated with the physiological responses to acute pain such as sweating and tachycardia.• This was a drug that would ease the acute pain that crucifixion brought to the victim.acute sense of• Furthermore, he had an acute sense of deviation from the norm in any society.• There's an acute sense of having been betrayed or wronged.• As he did so, he felt a great sadness, an acute sense of loss, filling his entire being.• His acute sense of observation was remarkable, and his pictures show how sensitive he was to his surroundings.• He has an acute sense of priority.• The theory would have to be tested, of course, but the body has an acute sense of self-preservation, you know.• This changeless spell brought an acute sense of temporariness and the feeling of inevitability fading with the dusk.• I had an acute sense of the absence of Alison, of the probably permanent loss of her.Origin acute (1300-1400) Latin past participle of acuere “to sharpen”, from acus “needle”a·cute adjectiveChineseSyllable  is Corpus problem serious very acute an




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