

单词 adapter
释义 Word family  noun adaptability adaptation adapter adaptor adjective adaptable adapted verb adapt  Related topics: Daily life, Technologya·dapt·er, adaptor /əˈdæptə $ -ər/ noun [countable]  DTan object that you use to connect two different pieces of electrical equipment, or to connect two pieces of equipment to the same power supply 转接器,适配器;多头插头 →5 see picture at 见图 plug1Examples from the Corpusadapter• Fitting a 3.5 inch drive to a 5.25 inch bay requires an adapter that is suitable for the particular drive.• Circuit of the capacitance adapter Fig. 2.• You have to be an early adapter.• Wisely, my folks did kick in another $ 25 for an electrical adapter.• Video: Find a graphics adapter with at least 2 megabytes of video memory.• It runs well on all graphics adapter types and has no special hardware requirements.• The voltage is usually 220v and we recommend you take a universal plug adapter for electrical appliances.• For that, you need to buy a printer and a print adapter.a·dapt·er nounChineseSyllable   Corpus you two different connect pieces an use of object that to




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