

单词 adder
释义  Related topics: Animalsad·der /ˈædə $ -ər/ noun [countable]  HBAa type of poisonous snake 蝰蛇Examples from the Corpusadder• Even a broken worm can kill, if it happens to be an adder.• The deaf adder of appetite Coiled under.• As quick as a striking adder, the soldier's fingers fastened around her arm.• During the summer, adders can often be found basking in the morning sunshine.• The adder is uniquely equipped for that role.Origin adder (1300-1400) a nadder, mistaken for an adder; nadder “adder” ((11-17 centuries)) from Old English næddread·der nounChineseSyllable   Corpus of a type poisonous snake




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