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单词 sublet
释义  Related topics: Financesub·let /sʌbˈlet/ verb (past tense and past participle sublet, present participle subletting) [intransitive, transitive]  BFto rent to someone else a property that you rent from its owner 将〔租来的物业〕转租,分租sublet something to somebody I sublet my apartment to my sister, packed my van, and headed west. 我把公寓转租给姐姐,将行李装了车,西行而去。 —sublet /ˈsʌblet/ noun [countable]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpussublet• The company hopes to sublet a sixth building it does not own, she said.• I sublet my apartment to my sister, packed my van, and headed west.• We sublet our New York apartment and gave up the one in Philadelphia.• He figured it must be her friend Germaine, the one she sublet the apartment from.• He and his family lived in a three-story house near the Old Market, and they sublet the top floor to Langford.• The third call is for the woman who sublet while Primo was away.From Longman Business Dictionarysubletsub‧let /sʌbˈlet/ verb (past tense and past participle sublet or subletted, present participle subletting) [intransitive, transitive]PROPERTY to rent property that you rent from its owner to another personEfforts by the remaining partners to sublet the building failed. —sublet noun [countable]The showroom is a short-term sublet.→ See Verb tablesub·let verbChineseSyllable  rent Corpus Business else that someone to property to a




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