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单词 serious
释义 Word family  noun seriousness adjective serious adverb seriously  se·ri·ous /ˈsɪəriəs $ ˈsɪr-/ ●●● S1 W1 adjective  1  situation/problem 情况/问题SERIOUS SITUATION a serious situation, problem, accident etc is extremely bad or dangerous 〔情况、问题、事故等〕严重的 the serious problem of unemployment 严重的失业问题 Luckily, the damage was not serious. 还好,损坏不算严重。 Serious crimes have increased dramatically. 重大犯罪案件大幅度增加了。serious injury/illness/accident etc a serious accident on the freeway 高速公路上的一宗严重事故 Oil spills pose a serious threat to marine life. 原油泄漏对海洋生物构成了严重威胁。 The president was in serious trouble. 总统遇到大麻烦了。 → see Thesaurus box on 0000002  important 重要的IMPORTANT important and needing a lot of thought or attention 重要的,重大的;严肃的 This is a very serious matter. 这是件很重要的事情。 the serious business of earning a living 谋生这种正经事 Be quiet, Jim. This is serious. 安静,吉姆,这事很重要。3  not joking or pretending 不是开玩笑或假装的SERIOUS/NOT JOKING if someone is serious about something they say or plan to do, they really mean it and are not joking or pretending 〔所说的话或打算做的事〕认真的,严肃的 His voice suddenly became more serious. 他的语气突然变得认真起来。 a serious article 严肃的文章serious about Is she serious about giving up her job? 她要辞职是认真的吗?deadly/dead serious (=definitely not joking) 绝对认真的 She sounded dead serious. 她的语气绝对认真。 Marry Frank? You can’t be serious! 嫁给弗兰克?你不是认真的吧!4  CAREFUL 认真的serious attention/consideration/thought careful and thorough attention etc 认真的注意/考虑/思考 I’ll give your suggestion serious consideration. 我会认真考虑你的建议。5  quiet/sensible 严肃的SERIOUS PERSON someone who is serious is very quiet and sensible, and does not laugh and joke much 严肃的,不苟言笑的 a serious student 严肃的学生6  worried/unhappy 忧虑的/不愉快的WORRIEDSAD/UNHAPPY slightly worried or unhappy 担心的,不愉快的 You look serious. What’s wrong? 你看上去心事重重的,出了什么事?7  romantic relationship 恋爱关系FAITHFUL a serious romantic relationship is likely to continue for a long time 认真的 It’s serious – they’ve been seeing each other for six months. 这是认真的,他们约会已经有六个月了。serious about Are you really serious about her? 你对她的确是认真的吗?serious boyfriend/girlfriend 认真交往的男友/女友8  sport/activity 体育运动/活动 [only before noun]ENTHUSIASTIC very interested in an activity or subject, and spending a lot of time doing it 极感兴趣的,热衷的 He’s become a serious golfer since he retired. 他自从退休以后就很热衷打高尔夫球。 Chris is a serious photographer. 克里斯是个热衷摄影的人。9  very good 非常好的 [only before noun] informalGOOD/EXCELLENT very good and often expensive 很好的,质优价高的 He’s got a serious car! 他有一辆很棒的汽车!10  large amount 大量 [only before noun] informalLOT/LARGE NUMBER OR AMOUNT used to emphasize that you are talking about a large amount of something 大量的 In industry, you can earn serious money. 做产业能赚大钱。n COLLOCATIONSnounsa serious problemVandalism is a serious problem in the area.a serious injury/illnessThe driver was taken to hospital with serious injuries.a serious accidentHe is recovering from a serious accident.serious damageThe explosion sparked a fire which caused serious damage to their flat.a serious threatIn the developed world, over-consumption is now a serious threat to health.a serious crime/offenceKidnapping is a serious crime.serious troubleThe economy was in serious trouble.serious consequencesNeglecting to make a proper will can have serious consequences. THESAURUSvery bad 非常严重serious very bad – used about problems, accidents, illnesses, or crimes 〔问题、事故、疾病或罪行〕严重的,重大的Violent crime is a serious problem in and around the capital. 暴力犯罪是首都及其周边地区的一个重大问题。The boy was taken to hospital with serious head injuries. 男孩头部严重受伤,被送往医院。Fortunately, the damage to the car was not serious. 幸运的是,车子损坏得并不厉害。severe very serious – used about problems, injuries, and illnesses 〔问题、伤势或疾病〕非常严重的He suffered severe injuries in a car crash. 他在一场车祸中受了重伤。The problem became so severe that they had to bring water in from other countries. 问题变得非常严重,他们只得从其他国家运水进来。severe epilepsy 严重癫痫grave used about a situation that is very serious and worrying, especially because it is dangerous or seems likely to get worse 〔形势〕严重的,严峻的A thick fog descended and I knew that we were in grave danger. 浓雾突然降临,我便知道我们遇到了极大的危险。The situation is grave – war now seems inevitable. 形势很严峻——战争现在似乎是不可避免了。acute used about an illness, problem, or situation that has become very serious or dangerous, and needs to be dealt with quickly 〔疾病、问题或形势〕严重的;紧急的She was taken to the hospital suffering from acute appendicitis. 她因为急性阑尾炎被送到了医院。In San Diego, the shortage of skilled workers is acute. 在圣迭戈,熟练工人严重短缺。desperate used about a situation or problem that is very serious or dangerous, especially because a lot of people need urgent help 〔形势或问题〕危急的,极其严重的The situation is desperate – people here need aid before the harsh winter sets in. 形势非常危急——这里的人们在严冬来临之前就需要得到援助。The hospital is full of people in desperate need of medical attention. 医院里人满为患,都急需救治。critical used about a situation that is very serious and dangerous and might get worse suddenly 〔形势〕危急的In 1991, the food supply situation became critical. 1991年,食物供应形势严峻。Eight people were killed and four are still in a critical condition. 八人死亡,四人依然伤势严重。life-threatening used about a situation, illness, or condition in which someone could die 〔形势、疾病或状况〕危及生命的,威胁生命的Her child had a potentially life-threatening illness. 她的孩子患了一种有潜在生命危险的疾病。The situation was not life-threatening, but it was very worrying. 形势不至于危及生命,但是非常令人担忧。be a matter of life and death spoken to be extremely serious – used when a situation is very urgent or important 是关乎生死的事For people living with HIV, getting the right treatment is literally a matter of life and death. 对于艾滋病病毒携带者来说,能不能得到适当的治疗真是关乎生死的事。 not joking 不是开玩笑serious not joking or laughing, or not pretending 严肃的,认真的His voice sounded serious. 他语气严肃。They seem to be serious about their relationship. 他们的关系似乎是认真的。solemn very serious because of an important or sad occasion or ceremony 庄重的,严肃的〔因为在重要或伤心的场合或仪式上〕My father looked solemn, the way grown-ups look at funerals. 父亲一脸庄重,就是大人们在葬礼上的那种表情。The judge read the verdict in a solemn voice. 法官语气郑重地宣读了判决。grave written quiet and very serious – used especially about the way people look when something important or worrying happens 〔尤指面临重要或令人担心的事情时〕严肃的,凝重的She consulted Doctor Staples and returned looking grave. 她找斯特普尔斯医生看过了,回来时一脸严肃。He listened with a grave expression on his face. 他一脸凝重地听着。sombre British English (also somber American English) /ˈsɒmbə $ ˈsɑːmbər/ written sad, quiet, or serious because something unpleasant or worrying has happened or is going to happen 因为已经发生或即将发生不好或令人担心的事〕忧郁的,严肃的They sat in sombre silence. 他们一言不发地坐着,气氛凝重。The meeting began in a sombre mood. 会议在严肃的气氛中开场。earnest very serious and sincere – often used about someone who is young and not very experienced 〔常指涉世不深的年轻人〕诚挚的,认真的He was a rather earnest-looking young man. 他是一个相当诚恳的年轻人。‘That’s wrong, ’ she said, her voice sounding very earnest. “那是不对的。”她说,语气非常认真。Examples from the Corpusserious• JJ and Chuck seemed pretty serious.• Laura was always very serious about her work.• The band are only young, but they're very serious about their music.• We both chuckled for a second, then got serious again.• Violent crime is a serious and growing problem throughout the country.• Friends described him as a serious and thoughtful man.• Paying serious attention to public opinion is a recent phenomenon.• All the other people in the office seemed to have a very serious attitude towards their work.• He's always serious, but he still makes me laugh.• Ben's been involved in a serious car accident.• We'll give your point serious consideration.• The recent storms have caused serious damage.• The climbers got into serious difficulties and had to be air-lifted to safety.• My brother is a serious golfer.• The boy was taken to hospital with serious head injuries.• A pregnancy undertaken at a time of serious illness or death of a family member will bear added stress.• All were treated at Seattle's Harborview Medical Center, five of them for serious injuries, a spokeswoman said.• One scored a direct hit but, despite being showered with glass, there were no serious injuries.• First, because markets are imperfect in various ways they will tolerate serious levels of inefficiency.• I must admit I find the serious newspapers rather boring.• I've just had a serious phone call.• Violent crime is a serious problem in and around the capital.• I have serious reservations about the power supply being installed inside the box, it really isn't safe enough.• That's a pretty serious Swiss Army knife.• Unfortunately it was more serious than that.• Stahl is serious, well educated, obedient, ambitious, and keeps his sense of humor out of sight.• In the last two weeks, the situation has become more serious, with riots and strikes spreading across the country.• At school we had to read works by serious writers like Shakespeare and Milton.serious injury/illness/accident etc• But no complaints: up to now, I have never had a serious illness.• But there is nothing to offer those with more serious illnesses.• Police reported a number of minor incidents but no further serious accidents.• All were treated at Seattle's Harborview Medical Center, five of them for serious injuries, a spokeswoman said.• Both occupants escaped serious injury but aircraft is a write-off.• Following a serious illness in 1744 she came to regard herself as sinful.• But it could mean the difference between financial security and financial disaster for you and your family should a serious accident strike.• It followed the discovery of a package that could have caused serious injury, writes Audrey Gillan.serious matter• Mr. Howard I agree that it is a serious matter.• The upset and damage which has been caused to us by these articles is an extremely serious matter.• This is a very serious matter.• This was clearly a serious matter.• Inquiry is a serious matter and should be done boldly, whether applied to innovation or ponderous theoretical matter.• The loss of potential output resulting-from involuntary unemployment is clearly a serious matter for an economy.• A politicized game is made out of serious matters to scholars and the field.serious about• Be serious about art, but joke a little about everything else.• Engelstad said lenders are urged to work with borrowers who are serious about keeping the mortgage.• If she is serious about knitting for other people she must do four things.• If you are serious about meeting your goals, telling the world in clear and certain terms will help you meet them.• The tabloids would never describe themselves as completely serious but we are serious about serious news.• I knew no girls who were serious about sports.• The business community is also seeking reassurance that Labor is serious about tackling inflation.• New York can't be serious about this.serious about• People in France are very serious about their food.• Stella, you aren't serious about this boy?• Look, I know you're not really serious about visiting, so quit pretending.serious money• Bricks and mortar used to much more than a sound investment - it was the best way to make serious money.• It is all about serious money.• Most have a core of solid businesses that ensure that at least parts of the firm are making serious money.• Or should they hang on in the hope that these assets will soon be worth serious money?• This was money, serious money.• To serious money and serious business, however, all this was anathema.• Judging by its state-of-the-art studios, the owners have put some serious money into NewsTalk.Origin serious (1400-1500) French sérieux, from Late Latin seriosus, from Latin seriusse·ri·ous adjective →n COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  etc problem, serious a extremely situation, accident is Corpus bad




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