

单词 adenoids
释义  Related topics: Humanad·e·noids /ˈædənɔɪdz, ˈædən-/ noun [plural]  HBHthe small soft pieces of flesh at the top of your throat, behind your nose, that sometimes become swollen 腺样体,腺样增殖体Examples from the Corpusadenoids• The filtering function of lymphatic tissue enables the tonsils and adenoids to trap pathogens.• Children who have had large adenoids removed develop slightly better hearing thresholds than those who have had smaller adenoids removed.• Some relation between size of adenoids and thresholds of hearing has also been shown.• Size of adenoids affected the gains in mean hearing thresholds of only those children receiving adenoidectomy.• The answer could be to remove the tonsils or adenoids, according to a study of 60 children in Oxford.Origin adenoids (1800-1900) Greek adenoeides, from aden “gland”ad·e·noids nounChineseSyllable  flesh of the soft Corpus small at top the pieces of your




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