

单词 ad hoc
释义  ad hoc /æd ˈhɒk◂ $ -ˈhɑːk◂, -ˈhoʊk◂/ adjective, adverb formal  not planned, but arranged or done only when necessary 临时安排的[地];特别的[地];专门的[地]ad hoc committee/group etc 特别委员会/小组等 decisions made on an ad hoc basis 临时作出的决定Examples from the Corpusad hoc• An ad hoc committee has been set up to deal with the problem.on an ad hoc basis• In contrast to the Lisa approach, the Macintosh team implemented its interface issues on an ad hoc basis.Origin ad hoc (1600-1700) Latin “for this”ad hoc adjectiveChinese   Corpus planned, but necessary only done not arranged when or




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