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单词 aback
释义  a·back /əˈbæk/ adverb  be taken aback (by something) SURPRISEDto be very surprised or shocked by something (对某事)大吃一惊 For a moment, I was completely taken aback by her request. 一时间她的要求把我吓了一大跳。Examples from the Corpusaback• He was momentarily a bit taken aback.• The singer is capable of delicacy, as well; the occasional pianissimo utterance takes you aback.• The authorities were taken aback, and took the unprecedented step of cordoning off the painting.• She appeared taken aback, as if she had only just realised that the pair of them were not alone.• They all looked suitably taken aback by his entrance, muttering disapproval whilst he insisted that Ockleton step outside.• Intel was taken aback by the intensity of public anger.• Though she did seem taken aback, come to think of it.• He seemed even more taken aback than I was, and this heartened me.Origin aback (1100-1200) Old English on bæc “backward”a·back adverbChineseSyllable   Corpus shocked to surprised or be very something by




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