

单词 whiplash
释义  Related topics: Illness & disability, Motor vehicleswhip·lash /ˈwɪp-læʃ/ noun [uncountable]  MITTCa neck injury caused when your head moves forward and back again suddenly and violently, especially in a car accident 鞭抽式损伤,颈部扭伤〔尤指车祸造成的颈部过度屈伸损伤〕 One officer suffered whiplash injuries. 一名警官颈部过度屈伸受伤。Examples from the Corpuswhiplash• Newish Cavalier, base model, with a whiplash radio aerial.• Those taken to hospital were suffering from neck injuries caused by whiplash.• Possible head injury, maybe whiplash - he's unconscious at the moment.• If I took any of this particularly seriously I would risk suffering from nutritional whiplash, pursuing health in precisely contradictory binges.• Since then, my head has snapped back fast enough to get a serious case of whiplash.• I suffered whiplash and was shaken up.whip·lash nounChineseSyllable  forward neck moves caused head a and back injury Corpus your when




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