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单词 botanical
释义  Related topics: Plantsbo·tan·i·cal /bəˈtænɪkəl/ adjective [only before noun]  HBPrelating to plants or the scientific study of plants 植物(学)的 —botanically /-kli/ adverbExamples from the Corpusbotanical• This is perhaps the place to take a little botanical diversion.• Plant breeders declared it to be one of the botanical finds of the century.• Founded in 1673, this small walled garden is the oldest botanical garden in the country after Oxford's.• Another neat toy: an on-line tour of botanical garden Web sites.• Trees from every continent turn King's Park into a giant botanical garden.• In the botanical gardens a huge tree had fallen and crushed a bus.• This intrinsically interesting statement does serve to demonstrate the nature of the botanical information in at least some of the early accounts.• Sadly, the war years interrupted the programme, though a few short botanical notes did appear between 1939 and 1945.Origin botanical (1600-1700) French botanique, from Greek botanikos, from botane “plant (that can be eaten)”, from boskein “to feed”bo·tan·i·cal adjectiveChineseSyllable  relating study of or plants Corpus the to scientific plants




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