

单词 abashed
释义  a·bashed /əˈbæʃt/ adjective [not before noun] written  EMBARRASSEDembarrassed or ashamed because you have done something wrong or stupid 羞愧的,窘迫的,尴尬的 SYN shamefaced She looked rather abashed. 她看起来很羞愧。Examples from the Corpusabashed• Both girls fixed their eyes on the ground, abashed.• At Tsu Ma's toast, however, she looked down sharply, as if abashed.• He mumbled unintelligibly and looked abashed.• If so, I am not abashed.• When she came to the river the horse was standing there, head hung as if abashed.• Amazed and abashed she stole back to her chamber.• They sat around and listened with abashed smiles as Carlo Marx read them his apocalyptic, mad poetry.Origin abashed (1300-1400) Old French abair “to surprise greatly”, from esbair, from baer “to have the mouth wide open”a·bashed adjectiveChineseSyllable  something embarrassed you have Corpus done because or ashamed




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