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单词 abattoir
释义  ab·at·toir /ˈæbətwɑː $ -ɑːr/ noun [countable] British English  a place where animals are killed for their meat 屠宰场 SYN slaughterhouseExamples from the Corpusabattoir• One of the outbreaks confirmed yesterday was the first in Cornwall-an abattoir near Launceston.• These do seem to admit of answers in terms of the working criteria of veterinarians, farm and abattoir inspectors and zoo managers.• And will Fred Elliott ever come out of the abattoir?• A total of 89 licences have been granted to abattoirs to start slaughtering livestock and another 150 have applied for the licence.ab·at·toir nounChineseSyllable  a are Corpus for place where killed animals




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