

单词 abduct
释义  ab·duct /əbˈdʌkt, æb-/ verb [transitive]  TAKE/BRINGto take someone away by force 劫持,绑架 SYN kidnap The diplomat was abducted on his way to the airport. 外交官在去机场途中遭绑架。 —abductor noun [countable] —abduction /əbˈdʌkʃən, æb-/ noun [countable, uncountable] child abduction 拐带儿童 —abductee /ˌæbdʌkˈtiː/ noun [countable] RegisterAbduct is mostly used in journalism. In everyday English, people usually say kidnap: abduct主要是新闻用语。 在日常英语中,人们一般说kidnapHe was kidnapped on his way to the airport. 他在去机场的路上被人绑架。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusabduct• Kurdish separatists have abducted a Japanese tourist and are demanding money for his safe return.• The two high school girls were abducted at gunpoint on Tuesday.• I thought I was abducted by aliens or something.• Looting and rape by rebels and their bands of abducted children still occur.• Lawson was abducted from her home.• At the age of sixteen, he was abducted from his homeland of Kilpatrick and enslaved in Ireland.• Several young women had been abducted from their villages and forced to work as prostitutes.• In this story, no one abducts Persephone.• He could not abduct Ruth, even assuming he had instructions to do so, which seemed unlikely.Origin abduct (1600-1700) Latin past participle of abducere, from ab- “away” + ducere “to lead”ab·duct verb →REGISTER1ChineseSyllable  to Corpus by force take someone away




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