

单词 catching
释义  Related topics: Illness & disabilitycatch·ing /ˈkætʃɪŋ/ adjective [not before noun]  1. MISPREADan illness that is catching is easily passed to other people 〔疾病〕传染(性)的 SYN infectious2  SPREADan emotion or feeling that is catching spreads quickly among people 〔情感〕具有感染力的 Julia’s enthusiasm was catching. 朱莉娅的热情很有感染力。Examples from the Corpuscatching• I hope Shelly's cold isn't catching.• I'm keeping Timmy home from school. He has measles and you know how catching it is.catch·ing adjectiveChineseSyllable  an that easily illness Corpus catching is passed is




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