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单词 aberration
释义  ab·er·ra·tion /ˌæbəˈreɪʃən/ noun [countable] formal  MISTAKEan action or event that is very different from what usually happens or what someone usually does 一反常态;异常 a temporary aberration in US foreign policy 美国外交政策的短暂异常 a mental aberration 精神失常Examples from the Corpusaberration• The losses this year are an aberration, and the company will continue to grow.• The Tories regard it as an aberration that would be catastrophic for Britain's system of government.• That last kiss had been a mistake, an aberration.• In light of his often-brilliant and incident-free 1995-96 season, the previous year was quickly ruled an aberration.• This psychoanalysis of the Enlightenment obviously concentrated only on its darker side, its errors, aberrations and absurdities.• The implication was clear: to discuss Article 6 would be an irresponsible aberration.• And any such aberration includes a nervous disposition toward children.ab·er·ra·tion nounChineseSyllable  action very Corpus from what event is or that an different




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