

单词 abet
释义  Related topics: Crimea·bet /əˈbet/ verb (abetted, abetting) [transitive]  SCCHELPto help someone do something wrong or illegal 教唆,怂恿,唆使 → aid and abet at aid2(3)→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusabet• It has been aided and abetted.• What if these citizens were quietly protected, even aided and abetted, by our elected officials?• The Shawnees, abetted by southern Creeks, were seeking to stem the surge of expansion into their hinterlands.• Abohalima, Salameh and Ayyad, like Alkaisi, are charged with aiding and abetting the bombing.• My negligence abetted the theft of time.• It isn't eased by the knowledge that the bankers who aided and abetted these exercises have suffered as much as anybody.• The hack drivers aided and abetted this extortion, hustling unwary tourists to the Davis establishment.• Other charges included abetting various other financial offences and abusing state authority.Origin abet (1300-1400) Old French abeter, from beter “to bait”a·bet verbChineseSyllable  someone or illegal to wrong Corpus help do something




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