

单词 chain-link fence
释义  ˌchain-link ˈfence noun [countable]  a type of fence made of wire twisted together into a diamond pattern 钢丝网眼栅栏Examples from the Corpuschain-link fence• For now people leave flowers, notes and Teddy bears at a chain-link fence.• Besides, they were pulling to a stop, outside a chain-link fence.• Lifting the heavy hunks of metal over the chain-link fence seemed improbable and buyers of black-market bronzes are scarce.• Emerging in the darkness, I vaulted the chain-link fence surrounding the park and ran through the high grass into the trees.• The chain-link fence swerved in, and this time I hit the brakes hard.ˌchain-link ˈfence nounChineseSyllable   Corpus made a type of wire fence of




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