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单词 abhorrent
释义  ab·hor·rent /əbˈhɒrənt $ -ˈhɔːr-/ adjective  BAD BEHAVIOUR OR ACTIONSsomething that is abhorrent is completely unacceptable because it seems morally wrong 可恨的,令人憎恶的 SYN repugnantabhorrent to The practice of killing animals for food is utterly abhorrent to me. 我非常痛恨杀死动物制成盘中餐的做法。Examples from the Corpusabhorrent• Even among left-wing clergy the idea of endowing one man with absolute power is abhorrent.• He was naked, gross and abhorrent.• These are some of the techniques we think are abhorrent.• Far from winning concessions, however, they will find what they are doing is abhorrent both to the Protestant and Catholic communities.• This was one of the most abhorrent notions that the settlers brought with them in their wagons.• What's abhorrent one week will be funny the next.abhorrent to• The practice of terrorism is abhorrent to the civilized world.ab·hor·rent adjectiveChineseSyllable  seems is abhorrent completely because unacceptable it something Corpus is that




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