

单词 able
释义 Word family  noun ability ≠ inability disability adjective able ≠ unable disabled verb enable ≠ disable adverb ably  a·ble /ˈeɪbəl/ ●●● S1 W1 adjective  1  be able to do something a) CANto have the skill, strength, knowledge etc needed to do something 有能力做某事,会做某事 I’ve always wanted to be able to speak Japanese. 我一直想学会讲日语。 b) CANto be in a situation in which it is possible for you to do something 可以去做某事 I’d like to do more gardening, but I never seem able to find the time. 我想多干点园艺活,可似乎总是抽不出时间。 I haven’t been able to read that report yet. 我还没能看那份报告。2  GOOD ATclever or good at doing something 聪明能干的,能力出众的 one of my more able students 我班上能力比较强的学生之一Examples from the Corpusable• an able assistant• She was widely regarded as one of the most able members of the president's staff.• Mrs Thomas is a very able teacher.• Currently, such creatures are not able to converse, creating instead relationships closer to the family pet.• It was being moved, placed where she wanted him, and there was nothing he was able to do about it.• Apart from that, if you're able to get about then clearly it's helpful if there's no traffic.• Most preschool children are well able to issue instructions.• They should be able to offer you the support you need at an academic and personal level.• He would not have been able to put a precise age on the skeleton.• She needs to be able to reflect on her own behavior, feelings, and tendencies more than the average child.• Jasper had said he would be able to spot me in a crowd, to pick me out at once.-able /əbəl/ (also -ible) suffix [in adjectives]  1  XXthat you can do something to 可以…的 washable (=it can be washed) 可洗的 unbreakable (=it cannot be broken) 不会破的,不碎的 loveable (=easy to love) 可爱的2  XXhaving a particular quality or condition 具有…性质的;处于…状态的 knowledgeable (=knowing a lot) 博学的 comfortable 舒适的 —-ably /əbli/, -ibly suffix [in adverbs] unbelievably 令人难以置信地Examples from the Corpus-able• lovableOrigin able (1300-1400) Old French Latin habilis “skillful”, from habere “to have” -able Old French Latin -abilis, from -bilis “capable or worthy of”a·ble adjective-able suffixChineseSyllable  strength, etc skill, have to the Corpus to needed knowledge




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