

单词 aboard
释义  a·board1 /əˈbɔːd $ əˈbɔːrd/ ●○○ preposition  GET ON OR OFF A BUS, PLANE ETCon or onto a ship, plane, or train 在[船,飞机,火车]上;上[船,飞机,火车] They finally went aboard the plane. 他们终于登上了飞机。Examples from the Corpuswent aboard• Lohrenz went aboard the Lincoln in 1994 and was among the first female combat pilots on the West Coast.aboard2 ●○○ adverb  1  GET ON OR OFF A BUS, PLANE ETCon or onto a ship, plane, or train 在船[飞机,火车]上;上船[飞机,火车] The plane crashed, killing all 200 people aboard. 飞机失事,机上200人全部遇难。 The boat swayed as he stepped aboard. 他上船时,船晃了起来。2. All aboard! spoken used to tell passengers of a ship, bus, or train that they must get on because it will leave soon 请大家上船[上公共汽车,上火车]!Examples from the Corpusaboard• I hurried round the corner to where I'd parked Armstrong and climbed aboard.• It was our second morning aboard and we were beginning to feel at home.• Cissy Patterson, publisher of the Washington Times-Herald, had fresh flowers brought aboard at stopping places along the way.• Survey ships were carried on the Navy List, but Navy personnel remained aboard on sufferance only.• In some cases, locals just climbed aboard once foreign money flooded in.a·board1 prepositionaboard2 adverbChineseSyllable  on train or onto Corpus a or plane, ship,




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