

单词 consultative
释义 Word family  noun consultation consultancy consultant consulting adjective consultative consulting verb consult  con·sul·ta·tive /kənˈsʌltətɪv/ AWL adjective [usually before noun]  ADVISEproviding advice and suggesting solutions to problems 咨询的,顾问的 a consultative document 咨询文件Examples from the Corpusconsultative• The consultative committee will include representatives from all areas of the company.• Now Mr Fallon is preparing a consultative document so the Churches can comment before the new rules for capital funding are finalised.• In addition to examining ways to generate resources it would act as a consultative group linking potential donors and beneficiaries.• In her Diaries, Mrs Castle described the mood at her office on the morning after the consultative paper appeared.• Staff were asked to distribute the consultative paper to members for views and comments.• All were aspects considered and dismissed by the Institute in its consultative paper.con·sul·ta·tive adjectiveChineseSyllable  problems advice suggesting solutions and Corpus providing to




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