

单词 divest
释义  di·vest /daɪˈvest, də-/ verb  1 [intransitive, transitive] technical if a company divests, it sells some of its assets, investments etc 转让,出售〔公司部分资产、投资等〕 pressure on hospitals to divest tobacco-related stocks 要求医院转让烟草类股票的压力2 divest somebody of something phrasal verb formal a) divest yourself of somethingGET RID OF to sell or give away something you own 出售;丢弃〔拥有的东西〕 Dad had long since divested himself of anything valuable. 爸爸早就把所有值钱的东西都卖光了。b) divest yourself of somethingDCCTAKE OFF CLOTHES to remove something you are wearing or carrying 脱下〔所穿的衣服〕;放下〔所拿的东西〕 Pedro divested himself of his overcoat. 佩德罗脱下大衣。c) TAKE something FROM somebodyto take something away from someone 使失去,剥夺 The king was divested of all his wealth and power. 国王被剥夺了一切财富与权力。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusdivest• The operations that will be divested include factories in New Hampshire.• As a result it enters 1993 with the twin objectives of expanding its home sales and divesting some of its landholdings.• But perhaps her most important legacy was in divesting the public culture of political language and political idealism.• Lake was officially asked to divest the stocks in October 1993.• We are tackling our problem areas and are divesting those assets which no longer have a strategic fit.From Longman Business Dictionarydivestdi‧vest /daɪˈvest, də-/ verbFINANCE1[transitive] if a group divests one of the companies that it owns, it gets rid of it by selling itWe fulfilled our commitment to shareholders to divest our downstream business by creating a new company.2[transitive] if a company divests assets, it sells them, for example because it needs cash for another activity or to repay debtsWhere our competitive position is weak, we have continued to divest assets to help fund more profitable ventures elsewhere.3[intransitive] to reduce the number of your investments by selling some of themperformance reports which may signal that it is time to divest rather than invest —divestment noun [countable, uncountable]The string of divestments is part of the holding company’s effort to lighten its debt load. —divestiture noun [countable, uncountable]The divestiture of AT&T in 1984 opened up the US telecommunications equipment market.→ See Verb tableOrigin divest (1600-1700) Old French desvestir “to undress”, from Latin vestire “to dress”di·vest verbChineseSyllable  sells Corpus of Business company some it divests, a if its




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