

单词 divestment
释义  Related topics: Financedi·vest·ment /daɪˈvestmənt/ noun [countable, uncountable] technical  BFanother word for disinvestment disinvestment的另一种说法Examples from the Corpusdivestment• Now in vogue are divestment, MBOs, and break-up bids.• But the appropriate remedies might be divestment, regulation, or removal of entry barriers rather than fines.• Kobrin has studied no less than 511 acts of forced divestment involving 1,500 firms in 76 Third World countries from 1960 to 1976.• It is hard to understate the importance of divestment in corporate strategy.• All six companies undertake financial analysis of those companies in which they have an interest for competitive, acquisition or divestment purposes.• The state expected to raise US$3,500 million from the divestment of its controlling shares to private operators.• Then there is the question of how much the divestment will release for fund managers to manage.di·vest·ment nounChineseSyllable   Corpus disinvestment for word another




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