

单词 absolutely
释义  ldoce_700_zab·so·lute·ly /ˈæbsəluːtli, ˌæbsəˈluːtli/ ●●● S1 W3 adverb  1  completely and in every way 完全地;绝对地 He made his reasons for resigning absolutely clear. 他把辞职的理由讲得一清二楚。 Are you absolutely sure? 你绝对肯定吗? This cake is absolutely delicious. 这蛋糕好吃极了。2  used to emphasize something 确确实实地,绝对〔用于强调〕 The burglars took absolutely everything. 盗贼偷走了所有的东西。 Jim knew absolutely nothing about the business when he joined the firm. 吉姆加入公司时对这个行业一窍不通。 He has absolutely no experience of marketing. 他毫无营销经验。3  absolutely not! spoken used when you strongly disagree with someone or when you do not want someone to do something 绝对不行! 当然不! ‘Do you let your kids travel alone at night?’ ‘Absolutely not!’ “你会让孩子们晚上单独外出吗?”“当然不行!”n4. → absolutely!5 FREQUENCY 使用频率Examples from the Corpusabsolutely• The ride was absolutely amazing.• The statistics prove that absolutely, and everybody except the hon. Lady knows it.• That's an absolutely brilliant idea.• He was absolutely dire and as thick as a brick.• By the end of the day, I was absolutely exhausted.• When they came in from the yard, they were absolutely filthy.• The emotional attachment for audiences is the relationship between Flynt and Althea, and she is absolutely instrumental at that.• We had an absolutely marvellous day.• Don't call me unless it's absolutely necessary.• These grow naturally as a single, vertical stem and need absolutely no pruning.• A small part of the Large Cloud of Magellan extends into Mensa, but otherwise there is absolutely nothing here of interest.• Science is an edifice founded absolutely on good faith.• You're absolutely right - we can't all fit in one car.• The costumes were absolutely stunning.• Are you absolutely sure you don't mind?• She stood in the middle of the stage looking absolutely terrified.• It's absolutely the best museum in the country.absolutely nothing• Stacy knew absolutely nothing about the business when she started.• There are no restraints, no pressures and time means absolutely nothing at all.• It does absolutely nothing for the child with potential.• I had heard the name Eliot, but had read absolutely nothing of his.• I felt I had absolutely nothing of use to give or to share.• The pursuit of goodness has become pathological, and there is absolutely nothing that should or can take its place.• It would seem to leave the Star city editor with absolutely nothing to do, an empty suit with an empty schedule.• I formed the opinion that there was absolutely nothing undesirable in the case.• Unfortunately, there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. 8 August August was really the cruellest month in Manhattan.nabsolutely!spoken used to say that you completely agree with someone 正是! 当然!ab·so·lute·ly adverb →5 FREQUENCY1absolutely!LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  and way completely in Corpus every




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