

单词 absolution
释义  Related topics: Christianityab·so·lu·tion /ˌæbsəˈluːʃən/ noun [uncountable]  RRCwhen someone is formally forgiven by the Christian Church or a priest for the things they have done wrong 〔基督教中的〕赦罪,宽恕 Pope Leo gave him absolution. 教皇列奥赦免了他的罪孽。Examples from the Corpusabsolution• I do not offer Brock absolution.• And, despite what he answered, Pope Leo gave him absolution.• Classical philosophers refer to them with contempt, as peddlers of absolution for a modest fee.• Its promise of absolution moved her to believe that her most private, unshared agonies might be lifted.• He watched them awhile, and then, temporarily, he granted his own absolution.• Does this mean that absolution by the patient is ineffective in relieving the doctor of his duty?gave ... absolution• He heard confessions of sins by his parishioners and gave absolution as he saw fit, enjoining a suitable penance.• And, despite what he answered, Pope Leo gave him absolution.ab·so·lu·tion nounChineseSyllable  a when Church Corpus the formally Christian is someone or forgiven by




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