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单词 duty
释义  Related topics: Taxdu·ty /ˈdjuːti $ ˈduː-/ ●●● S2 W1 noun (plural duties)  1  STH you must do 应做的事情 [countable, uncountable]SHOULD/OUGHT TO something that you have to do because it is morally or legally right 〔道德或法律上的〕义务,责任 SYN obligation I promise I will do my duty. 我保证会尽到我的责任。 We feel it is our duty to help her. 我们感到帮助她是我们的责任。 Local authorities have a duty to keep the streets clean. 地方当局有责任保持街道整洁。 You have a duty to your husband and to your children. 你对你丈夫和孩子负有责任。 She has a strong sense of moral duty. 她的道德责任感很强。 The unions have failed in their duty to female workers. 工会未能对女职工尽到责任。 In the traditional Hindu family, the son is duty-bound to look after his mother. 在传统的印度家庭里,儿子负有照顾母亲的责任。2  work 工作JOB/TASK [countable usually plural, uncountable] something you have to do as part of your job 〔工作〕职责,义务duties Martin’s duties included cleaning the cars. 马丁的职责包括清洗汽车。 She works for her father doing part-time secretarial duties. 她为她父亲做兼职的秘书工作。 He will soon be fit enough to carry out his duties (=do his job). 他很快就能康复起来重新工作。 He can only do light duties. 他只能干点轻活。 When Juliet reported for duty (=arrived and said she was ready to start work) she was sent to check on a new patient. 朱丽叶报到上班后被派去检查一名新病人。 A teacher may be fired for neglect of duty (=failing to do their job properly). 教师会因失职被开除。 He did three tours of duty in Vietnam (=three periods working in a foreign country as a soldier, government officer etc). 他曾三次在越南服役。3  be on/off duty to be working or not working at a particular time, especially when you are doing a job which people take turns to do, so that someone is always doing it 值班[值勤]/下班[不值勤] He’s on night duty. 他在值夜班。 Mary goes on duty (=starts working) tonight at half past ten. 玛丽今晚10点半上班。 What time do you go off duty (=finish work)? 你什么时候下班?4  tax 税 [countable, uncountable]PET a tax you pay on something you buy 〔购物缴纳的〕税duty on the duty on cigarettes 香烟税customs duty (=tax paid on goods coming into the country) 关税 → death duties, stamp duty5  do duty as something USE somethingto be used as something 用以充当[代替]某物 SYN serve as something The living room also does duty as a home office. 起居室也用作家庭办公室。 → double duty, heavy-duty, → jury duty at jury service, → on active duty at active servicen COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 1: something that you have to do because it is morally or legally rightverbshave a duty to do somethingParents have a duty to make sure that their children receive an your dutyI felt I had done my duty by voting.fulfil your duty British English, fulfill your duty American English formal (=do what is needed)The school has failed to fulfil its legal duty towards students.have/owe a duty to somebodyA tenant owes a duty to the landlord to keep the house in reasonable in your duty (=not do something that you should do)I would be failing in my duty if I didn't warn you of the dangers.adjectivesa moral dutyShe felt it was her moral duty to treat everyone equally.a legal dutyEmployers have a legal duty to ensure the safety of their workforce.a statutory duty (=required by law)Local authorities have a statutory duty to ensure that parks are clean.a public duty (=relating to the people of a country)The media has a public duty to report the truth.a civic duty (=done because you live in a place)It is your civic duty to vote.phrasesa sense of dutyHe was caring for his parents out of a sense of duty rather than duty-bound to do something formal (=have a duty to do something)Soldiers are here to do a job and are duty-bound to complete it.n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 2: something you have to do as part of your jobverbscarry out your duties (also perform/discharge your duties formal) (=do your job)She has always carried out her duties efficiently.take up your duties (=start doing a new job)Neale has agreed a three-year contract and takes up his duties on March 1.resume your duties (=start doing your job again)She hopes to be well enough to resume her duties next for duty (=arrive and be ready to start work)You must report for duty at 8:30 tomorrow morning.neglect/shirk your duties (=not do your job properly)No soldier can be allowed to neglect his duties.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + duty official dutiesThe new president will take up his official duties next month.presidential/royal/ministerial etc duties (=duties that go with being a president, member of a royal family, a minister etc)The prince is now old enough to carry out royal duties.household/domestic duties (=jobs you have to do around the house)My husband and I share most of the household duties.light duties (=not involving hard physical work)He'd been wounded, sent home and put on light duties.guard duty (=job of guarding a place)There were two soldiers on guard duty outside the embassy.phrasesneglect of duty (=failing to do your job properly)Six police officers were fired for neglect of duty.a tour of duty (=period of working in another country as a soldier, government officer etc)He became a General, and his tours of duty included Korea and Vietnam.beyond the call of duty (=more than you have to do as part of your job)She's a doctor who has gone beyond the call of duty in her care for her the course of duty (=while doing your job, especially for your country)Stewart received a medal for outstanding bravery in the course of duty.Examples from the Corpusduty• Teachers have a duty to ensure that students are not injured whilst they are in their care.• You have to pay a duty on the value of goods worth over $500 that you bring into the country.• For the most part, there was not much to do, other than cleanup duty around the prison camp.• The customs duty on luxury cars went up last month.• As he got nearer to No. 22 he decided that Mrs Brocklebank had been neglecting her duties here as well.• She didn't want to be the one to do that although she knew it was her duty.• However, unconsciously I must have been riddled with remorse for so neglecting my duties.• Conversely, those to whom citizens accord deference have been characterized by having an in-bred sense of duty.• He recently completed a tour of duty in Seoul as assistant to the US ambassador there.• Part of a park ranger's official duties is to ensure public safety.• He became a navy pilot, fought his way back on duty.• So David had been on duty this morning, had he?• This proves expensive for the police, who receive no subsidy from soccer sources for officers on duty outside the stadium.• And now I have a very pleasant duty to perform. I am going to present the prizes to the winning competitors.• Most of them mix their part time police duties with a full day's work.• clerical and secretarial duties• Your duties will also include answering the phone and typing letters.have a duty to• Under recently passed statutes, teachers now also have a duty to report child abuse and neglect.• Murphy said fund directors have a duty to maximize the retirement income of city employees.• I know now that I have a duty to look after myself, for no one else will bother.• I have a duty to point out where people go wrong.• I have a duty to support just governments in foreign countries, even though they have no legitimate power over me.• The court said that schools do not have a duty to supervise the grounds at all times.• Senior officials have a duty to protect junior officials and to set standards for those lower down.• So too do teachers have a duty to teach, and parents a duty to protect children from a debased cultural of duty• Prior to Feakle, army battalions were able to spend only five months outside Northern Ireland between tours of duty.• The major had been there on two separate tours of duty.customs duty• While all customs duties accrued to the federal government, it received only about one-third of total sales tax revenue in 1985.• Their dispute there hinged on the right to collect customs duties, a matter left unclear in the Fontainebleau agreement.• Moving on, Doumer increased his revenues by funneling customs duties and direct taxes into his central treasury.• More dramatic still was the rise in customs duties.• It also announced that it was reducing customs duty on sales from such zones to the domestic market.• In particular, major tax breaks are planned, including removing customs duties on transport of works of art for exchange exhibitions.• Last month the customs duty was raised on luxury cars.• Mary restored the value of the customs duties.• At that time, all Andean Pact countries are expected to adopt zero customs duties on all imports from other members.From Longman Business Dictionarydutydu‧ty /ˈdjuːtiˈduː-/ noun (plural duties)1[countable usually plural] something that you have to do as part of your jobThomas J Hutchison was named chief executive officer, adding to his duties as president and chief operating officer. → see also breach of duty → fiduciary duty2[countable, uncountable]TAX a tax you pay on something you buy, import etcDemocrats want these imported vans classified as trucks and hit with a 25% duty.Duty is levied (=charged) on every bottle of wine brought into the country. → ad valorem duty → countervailing duty → customs duty → death duties → discriminating duty → estate duty → excise duty → export duty → import duty → specific duty → stamp dutyOrigin duty (1200-1300) Anglo-French dueté, from Old French deu; → DUE1du·ty noun →n COLLOCATIONS1 →n COLLOCATIONS2LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  do that have is Business something because you to Corpus it




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